Announcing the CSharpFunctionalExtensions.FluentAssertions library

Version 1.0.0 of CSharpFunctionalExtensions.FluentAssertions is now available on NuGet! This package enables developers to increase the readability of their tests by providing a more fluent way to write assertions based on common types such as Maybe<T> and Result from the CSharpFunctionalExtensions library.

An Example from CSharpFunctionalExtensions.FluentAssertions

Let's take a look at what a xUnit test method with an assertion on a Maybe<T> object might look like first without and then with this new library.

[Fact]public void MaybeShouldHaveValue(){  int value = 4680;  var maybe = Maybe.From(value);  maybe.Value.Should().NotBeNull();  maybe.Value.Should().Be(value); }

With the reference to the CSharpFunctionalExtensions.FluentAssertions library, the assertion of the test method can be changed to the following.


You can check out other sample usages of the CSharpFunctionalExtensions.FluentAssertions library in the Usage section of the project's readme. The library contains FluentAssertion extensions for Maybe<T>, Result, Result<T>, Result<T, E>, and UnitResult<E> types.

Closing Remarks

This package was motivated by some of the tests I have been writing for payroll processor as I refactor that codebase from LanguageExt to CSharpFunctionalExtensions. This project's success should also be strongly attributed to the contributions by Sean Wright]( for helping me through the process of publishing a NuGet package for the first time and establishing an automated deployment pipeline with the ability to generate a preview package easily. Give him a follow on Twitter! I'd also like to thank Giovanni Costagliola for being the first community contributor to this project.
